<p></p><p>Crowds Renewing Value Creation – Crowdsourcing, Crowdfunding, Crowdworking, CrowdEVERYTHING</p><p>Please save the date: Thursday, 11 September 2014</p><p>There are no limits when the crowds are being creative on the playground of internet economy. The connected life that we live means that the crowd is present in everything we do, and everything we do have an immediate impact that can be measured, analysed, explored and exploited in a massive scale. As we, the crowd, is wise, it means that crowdsourcing, crowdfunding, paid crowdworking are all phenomena where power and value is being re-divided.</p><p>And in order to get most out of the wisdom of the crowd, we are on the road to combine computation, cognition, communication and mind. DIGILE Business Forum 2014 focuses on the possibilities of crowdsourcing, crowdfunding and crowdworking – what we have learned so far – and invites all to paint the bright future of wise crowd in multiple contexts.</p><p>We come close to concepts like “architectures of contribution”, circular economy and shared economy; we need to design not only our work but our living differently. </p><p>To speed up this development to the next level, let’s learn from players coming abroad and from each other. We are expecting guest speakers from US and Europe. An invitation is sent to China as well.</p><p>The day, which will be kicked-off with networking lunch and continue till drinks, takes place on Thursday, 11 September in Helsinki. Please reserve the whole day to see into the future of value creation. The final program will be published early August. You can join our <a href="https://www.facebook.com/events/658614380885813/" target="">Facebook Event </a> for updates.</p><p>Welcome to join the discussion and show the power of the crowd! The registration is now open!</p><p>p.s. As a warm-up for the topic, why wouldn’t you listen <a href="http://www.digile.fi/article/321" target="">5 short DIGIpuhetta radio interviews</a> about crowdsourcing, crowdfunding and crowdworking (in Finnish).<br></p><br><p></p>
DIGILE Business Forum 2014 (11/9/2014)